Main internal and external stakeholder groups of a business


Stakeholders are individuals, groups, or organizations that have an interest or concern in a business and can be affected by its actions, objectives, and policies. They can be classified into internal and external stakeholder groups.

Internal Stakeholder Groups

  1. Employees:
    • Role: Perform the operational work necessary for the business to function.
    • Interest: Job security, fair wages, good working conditions, career development, and job satisfaction.
    • Influence: High influence on productivity, service quality, and overall business performance.
  2. Managers:
    • Role: Oversee operations, make strategic decisions, and ensure the business meets its goals.
    • Interest: Achieving organizational targets, career advancement, leadership opportunities, and compensation.
    • Influence: Significant influence on business strategy, operational efficiency, and organizational culture.
  3. Owners/Shareholders:
    • Role: Provide capital, make high-level decisions, and have a vested interest in the success of the business.
    • Interest: Return on investment, business growth, profitability, and long-term sustainability.
    • Influence: Major influence on business direction, policies, and strategic decisions.

External Stakeholder Groups

  1. Customers:
    • Role: Purchase products or services, providing revenue to the business.
    • Interest: High-quality products or services, reasonable prices, good customer service, and brand reputation.
    • Influence: Strong influence on business reputation, sales, and market share through purchasing decisions and feedback.
  2. Suppliers:
    • Role: Provide the raw materials, components, or services needed for the business to produce its offerings.
    • Interest: Stable business relationships, timely payments, fair pricing, and consistent orders.
    • Influence: Moderate influence through the supply chain, affecting production continuity and cost management.
  3. Creditors:
    • Role: Lend money or extend credit to the business for various financial needs.
    • Interest: Timely repayment of loans, interest payments, and the financial stability of the business.
    • Influence: Influence on financial decisions and business operations, particularly during financial distress.
  4. Government:
    • Role: Regulate business activities, ensure compliance with laws, and provide infrastructure and services.
    • Interest: Tax revenues, job creation, legal compliance, and economic stability.
    • Influence: High influence through regulation, taxation, and economic policies.
  5. Local Community:
    • Role: Provide a workforce, customer base, and local support for the business.
    • Interest: Employment opportunities, local economic development, environmental impact, and community engagement.
    • Influence: Moderate influence through local support, public opinion, and community initiatives.
  6. Pressure Groups:
    • Role: Advocate for specific causes, such as environmental protection, fair trade, and workers’ rights.
    • Interest: Ensuring the business practices align with their advocacy goals.
    • Influence: Can exert significant influence through campaigns, public awareness, and lobbying efforts.


Understanding and managing stakeholder relationships is crucial for a business’s success. Internal stakeholders, such as employees, managers, and owners/shareholders, directly affect the business’s operations and strategic direction. External stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, creditors, government, local communities, and pressure groups, interact with the business from outside and can significantly impact its reputation, compliance, and market performance. Balancing the needs and expectations of these diverse groups is key to achieving sustainable growth and maintaining a positive business environment.

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