2.4 Internal and external communication Online Test


I have prepared this test to help you remember key points from this topic.

You can take the test as many times as you like or until your confident.

2.4 Internal and external communication

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Emails: Offers a formal record, asynchronous communication, and the ability to share information with multiple recipients.

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Face-to-Face Communication: Offers immediate feedback, builds trust, and allows for nuanced understanding via body language and tone.

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Effective business communication ensures clarity, unity, informed decisions

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effective communication leads to misunderstandings, lowered productivity, and conflicts.

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IT-Based Communication: Enhances speed and reach, facilitates global connectivity, and enables diverse media integration (videos, images, etc.).

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Written Communication: Enables real-time conversation, reduces misunderstandings compared

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Communication barriers stem from various sources like language differences, distractions, emotional barriers, or technological issues.

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Limitations to Written communication is: Lack of immediate feedback, potential for misinterpretation, and time-consuming for lengthy messages.

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The average score is 90%


You can also download the past exam papers and practice them as I highly recommend this.

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  1. Hank Gislason Avatar

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