1.5 Business objectives and stakeholder objectives Online Test


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1.5 Business objectives and stakeholder objectives

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While private sector enterprises operate in a competitive market, striving for financial gains, public sector enterprises operate in a regulated environment, often with a focus on equitable service delivery and meeting the needs of citizens.

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Private sector enterprises aim primarily for profit maximisation and shareholder value.

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Business objectives are the specific, measurable goals a company sets to guide its operations and measure success.

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Employees, Management and Board Members are examples of external stakeholders

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In essence, business objectives are vital for defining a company’s purpose, setting targets for growth, guiding actions, and evaluating progress toward achieving its vision. They serve as a roadmap for sustainable success and effective decision-making.

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Profit objectives does not prioritise financial gains, optimising revenue and reducing costs to maximise profitability.

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Social enterprises aim to achieve both social and financial goals. Their objectives revolve around creating positive social impact while maintaining financial sustainability.

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Business objectives vary based on priorities and strategies.

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Stakeholders are individuals or groups with no interest or “stake” in a company’s operations, success, or outcomes.

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public sector enterprises prioritise public service, societal welfare, and fulfilling government mandates. Their objectives revolve around providing essential services, addressing societal needs, and ensuring equitable access to services or utilities.

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which is not an internal stakeholder

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customers, suppliers and investors are external stake holders

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Growth objectives emphasise expanding operations, market reach, or product lines, aiming for increased revenue, customer base, or geographical expansion.

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